About Us

RiskCap International Ltd (the, “RISKCAP”), founded in 2013, provides customized risk management, regulatory and AML compliance, regulatory reporting, governance solutions and other ancillary services. RISKCAP’s clients are of all sizes and come from all segments of the financial services industry and are supervised by regulators around the world.

RISKCAP has a diverse team of experts in compliance, finance, accounting, mathematics, and risk management.  We partner with clients of all sizes and segments worldwide. Our commitment to innovative thinking, best practices, and a strong GRC culture enables us to stay ahead within our specialist areas and challenge our clients to think differently. We understand the importance of setting a robust risk, compliance, and governance culture amidst today’s changing regulatory requirements, market unease, and internal pressures. We work closely with our clients in long-term partnerships to support their business growth while adding flexibility and resilience to their operations. Our philosophy is to spread our GRC culture, know the risks, have open communication, and manage risk through our cutting-edge solutions.

In 2022, RISKCAP was acquired by the AK Jensen Group (the, ‘AKJ’). AKJ is a leading provider of institution-grade solutions for hedge fund managers and a leading crypto hedge fund ecosystem in Europe.

Our Team

Dr Paul Magro

CEO/Managing Director


Sean Fitzgerald

Platform CEO

Neal Mitra

CEO Crypto Hub

Katharina Janner Hagesveen

Head of People